
Adding a Proxy

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In most installations, the proxy settings are not required since this is already available from the machine default settings. This section can be left out, but if have the same proxy, then you can enter it in the config file as shown below:

<webprobe proxyconfigstring="http://PROXY:PORT" url="https://SERVER/FastPassClient/Default.aspx" timeout="30" />
<server proxyconfigstring="http://PROXY:PORT" url="https://SERVER/FastPassClient/Default.aspx" timeout="60" />

Working with multiple servers

Settings are required to be managed. If you look at the main configuration file after the installation placed here: \FastPassCorp\Configuration\FastPassWindowsClient\PMWindowsClient-config.xml

This be replaced with the selected installation directory typically “C:\Program Files(X86)”. The XML config file names a service as a section where access to one or more MyPass servers are contacted. The service entity can host either, web probe or server entities. An XML file can host multiple services. Each service can host multiple servers. An example where you have 3 web-servers in use is as shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<UpdatePasswordCache value="true" />
<UpdatePasswordCacheForAnyDomain value="false" />
<EnrollmentEnforcementIsEnabled value="true" />
<EnrollmentEnforcementConfigFilename value="C:\Program Files (x86)\FastPassCorp\Configuration\PMEnrollmentEnforcementClient\PMEnrollmentEnforcementClient.config.xml" />
<DisplayOptionsProfile value="" />
<urlrestriction enabled="true" type="allow" behavior="visible" scope="*" matchmethod="regexp" matchvalue="(.*\/FastPassClient\/.*)|(.*\/FastPassCorp\/skins\/.*)|(.*\/FastPassCorp\/javascript\/.*)|(^https:\/\/\/.*)" />
<configurationserver url="https://server01.domain2016.local/FastPassClient/ConfigurationService.asmx" updatefrequency="10" timeout="60" />
<webprobe url="https://server01.domain2016.local/FastPassClient/" timeout="30" />
<server url="https://server01.domain2016.local/FastPassClient/Default.aspx" timeout="60" />
<webprobe url="https://server02.domain2016.local/FastPassClient/ " timeout="30" />
<server url="https://server02.domain2016.local/FastPassClient/Default.aspx" timeout="60" />
<webprobe url="https://server03.domain2016.local/FastPassClient/ " timeout="30" />
<server url="https://server03.domain2016.local/FastPassClient/Default.aspx" timeout="60" />

If you have multiple servers in the infrastructure, the client can decide what server to access by using web probes. A web probe is simply a request to a webserver. If a code “200” or “302” is returned from the server within the timeout specified, the service is chosen. If the probe fails, the client jumps to the next service.

Running the Windows Client in a terminal service/citrix environment

Windows Client is fully compatible with Terminal Service/Citrix’s environment. The windows client supports operating in a Terminal Services and/or Citrix environment.

Upgrading the Windows Client

To upgrade from older versions, the old version needs to be uninstalled.

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Adding a Proxy

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