
Launch Panel Login Component

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Customizations is done directly in the PMWindowsClient.Config.xml config file. The file and images used for customizations, needs to be distributed to all clients, either through editing the msi.file or using the package deployment to add the files after installation.

In the config, the design is controlled in the displayoptionsentity. Example of how the PMWindowsClient.Config.xml looks like in the MyPass Window Client when setting a new layout. The display option is part of the PMWindowsClient.Config.xml. You can control the layout of the Launch Panel and the Splash Screen.

Using Built-in Designs

There are a few built-in, predefined designs. The below shows how to set the design.

<DisplayOptionsProfile value="SmallLightBlue" />

The values are predefined by MyPass. Options are:

  • SmallLightBlue
  • SmallLightBlue2
  • SmallDarkBlue
  • SmallDarkBlue2

SmallLightBlue, is the default:

Splash Screen:

Customizing colour, logo & texts for the launch panel

As seen, there are many different elements the XML that are customizable. The following items can be customized:

  • Decoration Image
  • Header Text
  • Detailed Text
  • Background

In this section the detailed settings are defined and explained. Let’s take the below config as example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<UsePartialVpnConnection value="false" />
<UseFullVpnConnection value="false" />
<VpnConfiguration value="" />
<UpdatePasswordCache value="false" /><UpdatePasswordCacheForAnyDomain value="false" /><EnrollmEntenforcementIsEnabled value="true" />
<urlrestriction enabled="true" type="allow" behavior="visible" scope="*" matchmethod="regexp" matchvalue="(.*\/FastPassClient\/.*)|(.*\/FastPassCorp\/skins\/.*)|(.*\/FastPassCorp\/javascript\/.*)|(^https:\/\/\/.*)" />
<configurationserver url="https://server100.fp.local/FastPassClient/ConfigurationService.asmx" updatefrequency="10" timeout="60" />
<webprobe url="https://server100.fp.local/FastPassClient/Default.aspx" timeout="15" />
<server url="https://server100.fp.local/FastPassClient/Default.aspx" timeout="60" />
<DisplayOptionsProfile value="" />
<LaunchPanelWindowWidth value="600" />
<LaunchPanelWindowHeight value="110" />
<LaunchPanelWindowVerticalOffset value="Screenbottom" />
<LaunchPanelWindowHorizontalOffset value="Right" />
<LaunchPanelWindowVerticalPositioning value="20" />
<LaunchPanelWindowHorizontalPositioning value="20" />
<LaunchPanelContentAreaBackgroundColorR value="128" />
<LaunchPanelContentAreaBackgroundColorG value="148" />
<LaunchPanelContentAreaBackgroundColorB value="148" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Enabled value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Type value="FILE" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Id value="" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Path value="c:\\Program Files
(x86)\\FastPassCorp\\Configuration\\PMWindowsClient\\tools64.bmp" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1PositionX value="10" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1PositionY value="10" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Width value="64" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Height value="64" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1TransparencyColorEnabled value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1TransparencyColorR value="0" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1TransparencyColorG value="0" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1TransparencyColorB value="0" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontQuality value="ANTIALIASED_QUALITY" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontQuality value="ANTIALIASED_QUALITY" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextEnabled value="True" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontSize value="32" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextPositionY value="15" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextPositionX value="84" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontWeight value="900" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontUnderline value="false" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontItalic value="false" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextPositionY value="50" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextPositionX value="84" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontSize value="22" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextEnabled value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontUnderline value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontItalic value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextEnabled value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontUnderline value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontItalic value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextColorR value="0" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextColorG value="0" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextColorB value="255" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextColorR value="0" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextColorG value="0" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextColorB value="255" />

Controlling the Positioning of the Launch Panel

There are various parameters to control positioning. By default, positioning is set to the upper right corner. This is controlled by these default settings:

<LaunchPanelWindowVerticalOffset value="ScreenTop" />
<LaunchPanelWindowHorizontalOffset value="Right" />

Possible values for LaunchPanelWindowVerticalOffset is ScreenTop and ScreenBottom. Possible values for LaunchPanelWindowHorizontalOffset is Left and Right

The box can be positioned in detail using the following parameters:

<LaunchPanelWindowPositionX value="50" />
<LaunchPanelWindowPositionY value="50" />

The above means 50 pixels by default, however the value, and how it is treated, depends on the below settings:

<LaunchPanelWindowVerticalPositioningMethod value="PercentageMiddle" />
<LaunchPanelWindowHorizontalPositioningMethod value="PercentageCorner" />

The possible values for LaunchPanelWindowVerticalPositioningMethod is:

  • Absolute (pixel values)
  • PercentageMiddle (Relative to the center of the box)
  • PercentageCorner (Relative to the upper corner of the box)
  • AbsoluteAbove (Pixels, relative to the top)
  • AbsoluteBelow (Pixels, relative to the bottom)

The possible values for LaunchPanelWindowHorizontalPositioningMethod is:

  • Absolute (pixel values)
  • PercentageMiddle (Relative to the center of the box)
  • PercentageCorner (Relative to the upper corner of the box)Using these values, we can e.g. place the box in the middle like this:
<LaunchPanelWindowVerticalPositioningMethod value="PercentageMiddle" />
<LaunchPanelWindowHorizontalPositioningMethod value="PercentageMiddle" />
<LaunchPanelWindowPositionXvalue="50" />
<LaunchPanelWindowPositionY value="50" />

Controlling the size of the Launch Panel

These setting will change the Size of the Launch Panel. Measurements are in pixels.

<LaunchPanelWindowWidth value="600" />
<LaunchPanelWindowHeight value="110" />

Note: The size of the Launch Panel needs to be large enough to have all text in the Launch Panel. 

Controlling the background color of the Launch Panel

These setting will change the color of the Launch Panel

<LaunchPanelContentAreaBackgroundColorR value="128" />
<LaunchPanelContentAreaBackgroundColorG value="148" />
<LaunchPanelContentAreaBackgroundColorB value="148" />

If the color in Launch Panel is eg. white, the text needs to be changed to an appropriate color to ensure it’s readable it in the Launch Panel.

Controlling the color of the header text

These setting will change the color of the Header Text

<LaunchPanelHeaderTextColorR value="0" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextColorG value="0" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextColorB value="255" />

Controlling the color of the detail text

These setting will change the color of the Detail Text

<LaunchPanelDetailTextColorR value="0" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextColorG value="0" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextColorB value="255" />

Controlling the decoration image of the Launch Panel

These setting will change the decoration image in the Launch Panel. Download an appropriate BMP file for the organization and copy it in the FastPassCorp\Configuration\PMWindowsClient folder on the local PC. The only format supported is BMP.

<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Enabled value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Type value="FILE" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Id value="" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1Path value="C:\\Program Files\\FastPassCorp\\Configuration\\PMWindowsClient\\tools64.bmp" />


  • The path may be different for 32-and 64-bitmachines.
  • If the BMP images are not displayed in the lunch panel or splash screen, it is recommended that the images should be saved through another photo editing tool. Windows Paint works fine.

Controlling the transparency in images

These setting will change the Transparency Color around Decoration Image in the Launch Panel. Making the specified color transparent.

<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1TransparencyColorEnabled value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1TransparencyColorR value="0" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1TransparencyColorG value="0" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1TransparencyColorB value="0" />

Note: Transparency settings only applies to Windows 8/8.1 and 10.

Controlling the decoration image position in the Launch Panel

These setting will change the position of the Decoration Image measured in pixels from upper line and from left side.

<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1PositionX value="20" />
<LaunchPanelDecorationImage1PositionY value="20" />

Controlling the fonts, size, format of the texts in the Launch Panel

Changing fonts:

<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontQuality value="ANTIALIASED_QUALITY" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontQuality value="ANTIALIASED_QUALITY" />

The above is the default setting. Possible values are:


Change the font size for Header Text and Detailed Text

<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontSize value="34" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontSize value="28" />

These settings are dependents on the size of Launch Panel and each other. The fonts size can be too big and overlap each other.

Extending the space for the header text and detailed text. As the texts are in capsuled in a bounding box, the box may need to be larger. Controlled by the below.

<LaunchPanelHeaderTextWidth value="500" /><LaunchPanelDetailTextWidth value="500" /> 

Example of a header text using the Times New Roman font (Valid fonts names can be found at %WINDIR%/Fonts). Not all fonts are supported but the most common are.

If you choose a font that is not supported in (%WINDIR%/Fonts) the font reverts to default.

<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontFaceName value="Times New Roman" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontFaceName value="Times New Roman" />

Other font settings:

<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontWeight value="900" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontUnderline value="false" />
<LaunchPanelHeaderTextFontItalic value="false" />

The weight values from 100-900, it controls how bold the text is.

Example detailed text:

<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontUnderline value="True" />
<LaunchPanelDetailTextFontItalic value="True" />

Shows underline & Italic in the detailed text.

Controlling the border background color and thickness.

<LaunchPanelBorderOuterBackgroundColorR value="0" />
<LaunchPanelBorderOuterBackgroundColorG value="0" />
<LaunchPanelBorderOuterBackgroundColorB value="0" />
<LaunchPanelBorderOuterThickness value="5" />

RGB controls the color, and outer border background thickness controls how thick the border will be. Thickness is measured in pixels.

Example for changing the inner border background color and thickness.

<LaunchPanelBorderInnerBackgroundColorR value="70" />
<LaunchPanelBorderInnerBackgroundColorG value="255" />
<LaunchPanelBorderInnerBackgroundColorB value="220" />
<LaunchPanelBorderInnerThickness value="5" />

RGB controls the color and Inner border thickness controls how thick the border will be. Thickness is measured in pixels.

Example for changing the main border background color and thickness.

<LaunchPanelBorderMainBackgroundColorR value="255" />
<LaunchPanelBorderMainBackgroundColorG value="242" />
<LaunchPanelBorderMainBackgroundColorB value="100" />
<LaunchPanelBorderMainThickness value="5" />

RGB controls the color and main border thickness controls how thick the border will be. Thickness is measured in pixels.

Customizing colour, logo & texts for the splash screen

This section will explain the details of customizing the splash screen, displayed when the Launch Panel is activated. This includes the following:

  • Decoration Image
  • Status Text
  • Status text Background colour bar
  • Background

Controlling the size of the splash screen

<SplashScreenWindowWidth value="800" />
<SplashScreenWindowHeight value="400" />

Controlling the decoration image of the splash panel

These setting will change the decoration image in the Splash Panel. Download an appropriate BMP file for the organization and copy it in the FastPassCorp\Configuration\PMWindowsClient folder on the local PC. The only format that is supported is BMP.

<SplashScreenDecorationImagePath value="c:\\Program Files\\FastPassCorp\\Configuration\\PMWindowsClient\\Sec.bmp" />
<SplashScreenDecorationImageEnabled value="True" />
<SplashScreenDecorationImageId value="" />
<SplashScreenDecorationImageType value="FILE" />

Note: If the BMP images are not displayed in the launch panel or splash screen, it is recommended that the images should be saved through another photo editing tool. Windows Paint works fine.

Controlling the splash screen position of the decoration image

<SplashScreenDecorationImagePositionX value="50" />
<SplashScreenDecorationImagePositionY value="50" />

Controlling the splash screen decoration image size

<SplashScreenDecorationImageWidth value="200" />
<SplashScreenDecorationImageHeight value="150" />

Controlling the splash screen status text bar colour

<SplashScreenStatusBarTextColorR value="255" />
<SplashScreenStatusBarTextColorG value="255" />
<SplashScreenStatusBarTextColorB value="255" />

Controlling the splash screen status background color bar

<SplashScreenStatusBarBackgroundColorR value="0" />
<SplashScreenStatusBarBackgroundColorG value="0" />
<SplashScreenStatusBarBackgroundColorB value="0" />

Controlling the splash screen background color

<SplashScreenContentAreaBackgroundColorR value="148" />
<SplashScreenContentAreaBackgroundColorG value="148" />
<SplashScreenContentAreaBackgroundColorB value="148" />
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Launch Panel Login Component

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