EEC Client

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Customizing the ECC Client

The Enrollment Enforcement Client supports the display of custom header image in the displayed window and custom tray icon in the notification area. These changes should also be made in PMWindowsClient.Config.xml.

  • Header Image
  • Logo
  • System Tray Icon

How to change the System Tray Icon:

<enrollmentenforcementclienttrayicontype value="FILE" />
<enrollmentenforcementclienttrayiconspec value="C:\favicon32.ico" />
  • enrollmentenforcementclienttrayicontypeIcon source type. The value can be: RESOURCE or FILE.
  • enrollmentenforcementclienttrayiconspec Path to the location of the icon file. Please note that tray icon only supports *.ico file.

How to change the Header Image:

It is possible to change, resize, reposition the Header image.

<enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagetype value="FILE" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagespec value="C:\HeaderBackgroundImage3.png" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagepositionx value="0" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagepositiony value="0" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagewidth value="600" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimageheight value="114" />
  • enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagetype Image source type. The value can be: RESOURCE or FILE.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagespec If image source type is set to FILE, then this is the path to the location of the image file. If image source type is set to RESOURCE, then values refers to an internal resource key. There are two resources available:
    • WindowsClient_HeaderBackgroundImage1
    • WindowsClient_HeaderBackgroundImage2
  • enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagepositionx
    • X-axis position of image in Enforcement Client form.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagepositiony
    • Y-axis position of image in Enforcement Client form.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimagewidth
    • Width of image in pixels.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientheaderbackgroundimageheight
    • Height of image in pixels.

How to change the logo image

<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetype value="RESOURCE" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagespec value="WindowsClient_LogoImage" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagepositionx value="20" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagepositiony value="32" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagewidth value="80" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimageheight value="60" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencyenabled value="true" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencycolorr value="255" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencycolorg value="255" />
<enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencycolorb value="255" />
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetypeImage source type. The value can be: RESOURCE or FILE.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagespec If logo image source type is set to FILE, then this is the path to the location of the image file. If logo image source type is set to RESOURCE, then value is a resource already present in the system. There is one resource available:
    • WindowsClient_LogoImage
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimageposition X
    • X-axis position of image in Enforcement Client form.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimageposition Y
    • Y-axis position of image in Enforcement Client form.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagewidth
    • Width of image in pixels.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimageheight
    • Height of image in pixels.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencyenabled
    • For transparent images, the background color will be transparent.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencycolorr
    • From RGB color palette, R need to define here.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencycolorg
    • From RGB color palette, G need to define here.
  • enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencycolorb
    • From RGB color palette, B need to define here.


  • To show an image from a file, the image type must be set as ‘FILE’.
  • All position and size related values are in pixel units. As the system expects numeric values only, there is no need to add ‘px’ as postfix.
  • According to the provided image width and height, the system auto resizes the physical size of image proportionately.
  • In the logo image, to set a background color to be visible, set ‘enrollmentenforcementclientlogoimagetransparencyenabled‘ as ‘false’.
  • The EEC writes a log for every step to show an image. It is recommended to refer the log for any abnormalities.
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EEC Client

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