Helpdesk Client

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Welcome to the Helpdesk Client Guide

The MyPass Helpdesk is specifically designed for IT Helpdesk Agents to assist end-users who are experiencing problems related to the MyPass Self-Service portal and can be configured to meet the needs of your OrganizationThe Helpdesk Portal allows Helpdesk Agents to swiftly assist end-users with enrollment, password, or lockout issues. The Helpdesk Portal equips agents with various tools to reduce any end-user frustration, whether it be to guide an end-user through the self-service steps or just providing them with the needed information to enroll into the self-service portal.

The following Helpdesk Operations are available to agents: 

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User Details

Basic end-user information can be found here for example: 

  • Account info 
  • Department info 
  • Contact info
  • Linked Account Info
  • Group info 
Enrollment Data

End-users have to provide the answer to the security questions they enrolled for. These are stored securely within this section, but only if the end-user has enrolled using security questions and answers as their authentication methodThe Enrollment data feature is only available to Helpdesk Supervisors and can be configured in various ways of displaying the answer data to retain secrecy of the complete answer. For example; the answers could be shown to display only the first or last character of the answer for the end-user to verify. All of this can be specifically configured to fit the needs of your Organization. 

Audit Events

All Self-Service actions performed by an end-user are stored and displayed for the Helpdesk agent to review and audit. This can be crucial when troubleshooting end-user incidents encountered on the self-service portal or identifying suspicious behavior connected to vishing attacks. 

Sync Transactions

Helpdesk Agents can now easily monitor user events on other platforms to see if any operations against the target systems have failed. The events displayed are a subset of the events mentioned above.

Assign Helpdesk Pin
Assigning a Helpdesk Pin is an essential function in the MyPass Helpdesk Client. Helpdesk PIN's allow for swift and frustration-free access into the Self-Service portal, especially in the event where end-users have password problems and don’t know their current account password, but still allowing them the opportunity to enroll and reset their own password or unlock their account. This operation has two actions: 
  1. “Generate & View” will generate a pin code and display it on-screen. (This option is only available for the Helpdesk Supervisors)
  2. “Generate & send SMS pin” will generate a pin code and send it to the end-user’s mobile device as an SMS. This ensures that the Helpdesk Agent does not ever see the Helpdesk PIN. 
Reset Password
When necessary MyPass Helpdesk also provides an option to generate a password for users. This operation has two different actions:
  1. “Generate & View” will generate a pin code and display it on-screen. (This option is only available for the Helpdesk Supervisors)
  2. “Generate & send SMS pin” will generate a pin code and send it to the end-user’s mobile device as an SMS. This ensures that the helpdesk agent does not ever see the Helpdesk PIN. 
Unlock AD Account

This function allows the Helpdesk Agent to unlock the on-premise Active Directory account of the end-user. This can be cause by too many bad password attempts on an Organization owned workstation or application. 

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Unlock Password Management Account

A Password Manager account refers to the MyPass Portal account that is symbolically connected to the end-users Active Directory account. This exists to prevent bad actors from attempting to brute force access to the end-user portal account and resulting in a locked Active Directory account, preventing login to Organization resources like workstation or applications. When any attempts of brute force is detected on the self-service portal, the portal account gets locked leaving the on-premise AD account unharmed by the brute force attempt. This unlock password manager account function allows the Helpdesk Agent to unlock the portal account of an end-user in the instances where the end-user portal account has been locked while answering the authentication challenges incorrectly too many times. 

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