MyPass Connector For Oracle


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Password Manager supports easy integration into multiple Oracle systems from a single implementation. The configuration is done from the Password Manager Administration Client implemented as part of the Password Manager Backend Server. The communication to the Oracle data base is done from the Password Manager Gateway Server. The integration is implemented using TCP communication and this can optionally be implemented to use encryption. Technically, it connects to the database and executes a stored procedure with the actual logic to reset the password of the Oracle user. The stored procedure has to be installed before the connector will work. Password Manager requires the following parameters to be configured in the Administration Client to be able to access an Oracle server.

Parameter Description
A fully qualified hostname, a hostname or an IP address
The Port that the server is listening on for the specified instance (1521 default)
The Database in which the Stored Procedure is implemented
Stored Procedure
The name of the Stored Procedure to be called
The name for the account with privileges to execute “alter login...” commands
The password for the account specified
Oracle Path on Gateway
The Path to the Oracle Instant Client Bin folder

The various parameters are not actually used by the Connector but are just used to construct a valid formatted Oracle Connection String. All parameters are stored in the Password Manager Data Storage (AD LDS) and sensitive information like account; password and the Connection String are stored with strong encryption.

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