
Configure MSSQL Communication Settings

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The configuration of Communication Settings for MSSQL might vary a little for different versions of MSSQL. The following describes how the configuration is completed in a MSSQL Server 2005 Express environment on a Windows 2003 Server. Open the “SQL Server Configuration Manager” through the “Start” -> “Microsoft SQL Server 2005” -> “Configuration Tools” – > “SQL Server Configuration Manager” menu.

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Navigate the “Protocols for …” and select the “TCP/IP” protocol and select “Properties” from the context menu.

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In the “Protocol” tab select “Yes” for the “Enabled” property.

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In the “IP Addresses” tab specify the desired port (e.g. 1433) for the “TCP Port” under the “IP All” section or different if desired. After selecting “OK” the following prompt will be shown.

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Configure MSSQL Communication Settings

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