Configuring MSSQL Settings For Connector

The configuration of Communication Settings for MSSQL might vary a little for different versions of


As briefly described before, the MyPass Connector for MSSQL connects to the MSSQL systems using

Gateway Integration

Overview For more information about using and configuring the Connector for Oracle please look at


The MyPass Connector for Oracle is tested against Oracle versions from 2005 and newer and


MyPass comes with two examples for the integration. These are located in: FastPassCorpFastPassGatewaybinConnectorOracle FPC_PasswordReset_ForDatabaseUsers.sql: This


In order for MyPass to access the server the Oracle instant Client needs to be


Password Manager supports easy integration into multiple Oracle systems from a single implementation. The configuration

MyPass Connector For Oracle

The MyPass Connector for Oracle is used by the MyPass Password Manager Sync Server to

Gateway Integration

In complex network environment’s a MyPass Gateway server can be placed in between the Password

Sample CLI Connector

A sample connector is included in the MyPass installation under the following path: FastPassCorpFastPassGatewaybinConnectorCLI There