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MyPass Value Proposition

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Based on the industry-leading FastPass Suite platform, the MyPass Cloud is a secure self-service password reset solution that delivers a wide range of integration and user authentication options specifically focused on end-user and helpdesk efficiency.

MyPass Cloudmakes it possible for users to securely authenticate themselves and generate new passwords for practically any type of corporate system, even from a locked PC outside the corporate network. It also provides a secure interface that allows helpdesk operators to quickly assist unregistered MyPass users, without giving the operator the rights to reset a user’s password.

By directly addressing end-user productivity concerns, enabling service delivery at the corporate helpdesk and driving risk management through secure transactions, multi-factor authentication, and auditing, MyPass provides real business value while driving down the costs associated with password management across a complex IT environment. Read this customer success story for more on how MyPass has provided a leading manufacturing company to drive down costs and add real business value.

MyPass Cloud addresses password management concerns by targeting 4 key focus areas within the credential self-service process:

  • Increased User Productivity: Deliver broad, always-available access to secure password management without unnecessarily straining helpdesk resources.
  • Increased Service Delivery: Even with self-service, users will occasionally need helpdesk assistance. MyPass SSPR and MyPass IVM enables this even if the user has forgotten their answers to authentication questions or is attempting a remote password reset without prior enrollment in the solution.
  • Credential Governance & Risk Management: Many organizations struggle to maintain control, visibility and auditing of password reset patterns across multiple systems, users, and helpdesk.
  • Efficiency through security & flexibility: MyPass delivers fast results for improving security and productivity; thereby driving cost down in lost productivity and helpdesk effort.
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MyPass Value Proposition

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