Password Filter

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Welcome to Password Filter

MyPass Password Filter is a productivity add-on for Active Directory that allows for quick and easy harmonization of multi-vendor password policies via an XML configuration file. Password Filter can be installed as a stand-alone product or in conjunction with other MyPass tools.


  • Installs in under 15 minutes as an Active Directory add-on
  • Supplements Active Directory Group Policies without over-ruling
  • Can be installed in Normal or Silent Mode for large deployments
  • Must be installed on all domain controllers
  • Works for Password Reset and Password Change
  • Logs to Windows Server Event Log
  • Configurable XML file for custom rules such as dictionaries

The MyPass Password Filter is distributed in a single msi-file installer package


Process There is only one configuration file for the MyPass Password Filter

Uninstalling Password Filter
Uninstalling Password Filter

The MyPass Password Filter can be uninstalled from the Control Panel (similar

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