EEC Client

Customizing the ECC Client The Enrollment Enforcement Client supports the display of custom header image

Text Changes

Text changes The Organization might want to have the Launch Panel and Splash Screen messages

Launch Panel Login Component

Customizations is done directly in the PMWindowsClient.Config.xml config file. The file and images used for


In this section, you will be guided to customize different layouts (applies to Windows Client

Full VPN

Here are overall steps in the communication when the normal FULL VPN is in use:

Partial VPN

Here are the overall steps in the communication when the Partial VPN is in use:


When is this feature needed? If you use an always on VPN type e.g. Direct

Remote Password Reset

With this feature a user can reset the password and gather the local machines cached

Adding a Proxy

In most installations, the proxy settings are not required since this is already available from

Installation Using XML

The Password Manager Windows Client can be installed in silent mode and fully configured using