The Connector uses the IBM Tool Box for Java. The Java class AS400 is used to connect to the AS/400 host over SSL. The following command is run to set a password: CHGUSRPRF USRPRF (user) PASSWORD (password) STATUS (*ENABLED) PWDEXP (*NO)
This command can be changed in the file. This file is located in the main directory with the connector typically (\program files\FastPassCorp\FastPassGateway\bin\ConnectorIBMSystemI). A typical customization is to change the line in order to add the password expire feature on iSeries for the user. This can be done using this command PWDEXPITV (*SYSVAL). To see a list of other parameters please refer to this link (please check if this corresponds to your iSeries version):
The connector logs operations to a log file. The location of the log and the debug level can be set in the file. (this file is also located besides the connector in the classes directory)